Luna’s Eight Commandments of Commenting and Pingbacks

1. Luna’s Imagination Igloo doesn’t support Internet trolls in any way. If you don’t know what those are, those are kinda like bullies or people that make offensive comments just to get a reaction. So please don’t troll, and if you feel that someone is trolling, don’t feed the trolls, please.

2. Be as nice and respectful as you would if you were talking to someone in person. Lots of people say things they wouldn’t say in person because they think they can hide. With the Internet becoming more and more revealing, how can you hide? Also, use proper netiquette.

3. Please don’t ask questions about a post or a page when they can be answered above. I do not like having to explain myself over and over. My voice gets hoarse.

4. If you know me in person, you are free to say this, but do not ask personal questions or reveal personal things about me. This goes for all Igloo visitors on the Internet.

5. Check your spelling and grammar when you comment.Don’t be so heavy on abbreviations because you could come off like a teenager (an annoying, eye-rolling teenager; no offense to all the mature and kind and responsible teenagers out there, but I have met the annoying ones!)

6. Luna’s Imagination Igloo currently doesn’t support promotions. Please do not try to promote your blog, or someone else’s. If your comment, “Awesome blog! If you follow this site then I will help fund or promote you.” It’s nice of you to do this, but I follow blogs because I like them and want to see more, not for popularity. (That would be dumb.)

7. Luna’s Imagination Igloo opens its doors to everyone. That means that kids and precocious babies can come visit. So keep your language and comments PG. I don’t cuss, and I don’t want any parents trying to keep their kids from reading this blog because a kid repeated a bad word from here. There will be posts, however, that are rated PG-13. I make sure that every PG-13 post is set up with a warning. If you don’t like PG-13 posts, back off.

8. Bring up something related to the topic of the post. If you nominate me for an award, notify me on my Welcome page, About page, or on this page. One time, I found a pingback to my post (which was about a toy piano) and the pingback was about how to go bird-watching! Pingback to an appropriate post.

Finally, as you read all these commandments, keep in mind that Luna’s Imagination Igloo is not an unrestricted, free speech zone. Yes, you are allowed to voice your opinions and thoughts, but when you write them, follow all the commenting guidelines. If I feel that you have violated one of the commandments, I will either talk to you privately (if I know you personally) and ask you to resend your comment following all the commandments, or I will not approve the comment altogether. Please also realize that I don’t want you to feel censored, but I can’t please everyone.

3 thoughts on “Luna’s Eight Commandments of Commenting and Pingbacks

  1. Hi Luna, I nominated you for Very Inspiring Blogging Award!
    I hope you don’t mind. ‘Cause I dunno if this stuff falls under promotions so sorry if it is!
    If you’re not so into these stuff, you could just ignore it. I just would really like to show some appreciation for your awesome work.
    Much love. Dyanne x


    1. I don’t mind. I have done blogging awards, and thank you for nominating me! I think I have to change the commandments of commenting so that they will accommodate blogging awards. I’ll do it!


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